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Lean vs. Traditional Production Approach

In the traditional approach, production relies on large batches and inventory, often resulting in waste.
 Lean emphasizes flexibility, aligning production with actual demand, and eliminating unnecessary activities. 
The key difference lies in focusing on customer value and minimizing costs through process simplification.


  1. Palange, A., & Dhatrak, P. (2021). Lean manufacturing a vital tool to enhance productivity in manufacturing. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, 729-736.
  2. Ioana, A. D., Maria, E. D., & Cristina, V. (2020). Case study regarding the implementation of one-piece flow line in automotive company. Procedia Manufacturing, 46, 244-248.
  3. Sekhar, R., Solke, N., & Shah, P. (2023). Lean manufacturing soft sensors for automotive industries. Applied System Innovation, 6(1), 22.
  4. Gebeyehu, S. G., Abebe, M., & Gochel, A. (2022). Production lead time improvement through lean manufacturing. Cogent Engineering, 9(1), 2034255.